A Very bR*T*SH Museum
‘A Very bR*T*SH Museum’, directed by Seeta Patel & Julien Kottukapally, is a new short film challenging places like the British museum in terms of their role in looted history.
Using dance, projections and animations, the film comments on the ongoing discussions around museums returning looted artefacts and explores the complex relationships it leaves society with in the world today. It also aims to question the legacy of colonialism and imperialism upheld by arts institutions.
The project received a micro-commission from Chats Palace, further support from Kalasangam and The Place, and raised over £1,500 in crowdfunding in December 2020.
- Producer/Director/Performer: Seeta Patel - https://www.seetapatel.co.uk/
Twitter/Instagram @seetadances
Facebook seetapateldancer
- Director/DOP/Editor:Julien Kottukapally
- Performer and Co-Creative:
Isaac Ouro-Gnao - https://isaacourognao.com/
- Co-Creative: Andy Craven-Griffiths
- Performer: Ed Watson MBE-https://www.edwatsonofficial.com/